Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Can you feel the love?

Ahhh...Valentine's day...A day to celebrate love. I thought this would be an appropriate time to share with the world a story about the love of my life. Steven and I have been married for almost eight years, and we were together two years before that. When I stop and look at it, I feel very old...but that's a topic for later.
Our first year of marriage was spent in a small church parsonage outside of Kentwood, Louisiana where Steven was the youth pastor at a very small, very country church. We were able to spend a lot of time together that year. I had not yet finished college and spent a few days of the week in class and the rest either baby-sitting or working at the church. We now realize how fortunate we were to have so much time together. Many couples don't get the opportunity to really get used to being around each other like we did. We had the chance to learn a lot about each other. I learned quickly that the way he breathes when he sleeps drives me crazy! He learned that I don't always put my dirty clothes in the same location in the bedroom. This irritates him to no end. I also learned that he can be the biggest baby when he's sick.
I can clearly remember the week that taught me this lesson. I'm not exactly sure what illness he had, but Steven had been running fever, complaining of a sore throat, and displaying all other sorts of symptoms. He would lay on the couch and whine and whine. He would ask me to hand him something that was literally next to him on the floor. At first, I my response to these requests was immediate and full of compassion and love. Hey--We were newlyweds! After a few days though, my enthusiastic attitude and compassion were wearing thin. I was beginning to wonder if he could do anything for himself! On top of dealing with his whimpering for a week, I was beginning to show signs that I had contracted his illness. One night, I was cuddled in the recliner, and he had gotten up to go to the restroom. I heard a loud boom and some clanking followed by a moaning, "KRISTA!!" I trudged to the bathroom door to find (you must picture this) Steven on his knees half in the tub, half out with the shower curtain down and the rod on his head. I asked very nonchalantly, "Are you ok?" He said, "Yeah, I think so." I then turned, went back into the living room, and left him to get himself off the ground.
Days later I found out that he had gotten dizzy and sort of blacked out. When he hit the ground, he had hit the front of his head on the side of the tub and the shower curtain rod hit the back of his head when it fell. Had I had a little more patience, kindness, and understanding, I would have been able to help him up and show him that I truly do care. Unfortunately, I was so concerned with myself and how I was feeling that I failed to recognize the opportunity to show love to my husband -- even though he had been driving me crazy!
Steven has gotten much better when it comes to dealing with being sick, and I hope that I have learned to be more compassionate and understanding. That is my challenge to you. Seek out opportunities to show someone love -- especially when you don't feel like it. Remember: LOVE is a VERB!

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