Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I've always been the type of person who approaches a pool and sticks a toe in first to test the water. The thought of jumping unreservedly into a pool creating waves has never been appealing. I like easing into the water, giving my body time to adjust to the temperature. I've come to realize that the same is true when discussing situations in my life.
As many of you know, I am a high school teacher. Understandably, this time of year is always very busy for me! Ideally, I would like to ease into the school year making the transition from lazy summer days with my boys to hectic days with teenagers as painless as possible. However, that is not how things happen in most schools. We hit the ground running. Teachers returned to school last Wednesday, and students started Friday. I felt myself being hurled through the air about to plunge into the out-of-control waves of a working mom.
Friday Afternoon: SPLASH!! Birthday party for my nephew.
Saturday: SPLASH! Birthday party in the morning, shopping for school supplies in the afternoon, work at church in the evening.
Sunday: SPLASH! Church, lunch, visit family in the hospital, visit with family from out of town, church again, lesson plans for work.
Monday: SPLASH! Work complete with lunch duty, color guard practice, Keaton needs a book sack.
Tuesday: SPLASH! Work, color guard practice.
And Today: SPLASH! Work with a faculty meeting, and prayer meeting tonight at church.
I have not cooked a meal for my family in a week! My two year old is ordering for himself! Most days, I haven't been home early enough. On the days that I have been home, I either simply didn't have the energy to or we were running around doing family stuff and weren't home to eat. As much as I would like that toe-touching-the-water transition, I've been forced to cannonball and then do everything humanly possible to keep my head above water! That stops today! Today, I am choosing not to drown. Sure, I feel like I was violently shoved into this situation, but I'm not going to fight the water. I'm going to enjoy it!
While remembering God does not want us to feel overwhelmed with life, this idea of cannonball vs. toe-testing has made me realize something else about my spiritual life. As Christians, we are expected to cannonball into this world. Don't ease into the water so that those around you don't even notice the difference in who you are. Live your life so that others can't help but feel the refreshing sprinkle of the Living Water when you cannonball into a new situation. Make a SPLASH!

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