Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I know it's been a while.

I'm sorry it's been so long since my last post. March held more stressings and blessings for my family than I was prepared for.

At the beginning of the month, Steven and I were told that Titus needed to have tubes put in his ears, but he had a heart murmur so he would have to see a pediatric cardiologist before we scheduled surgery. 
We took him to the cardiologist, and everything was completely normal. Titus has an innocent murmur.

Two days after I took off work to bring Titus to the cardiologist, I woke up, dressed for work, dressed both boys, and was about to head out the door when I started throwing up (sorry if you have a weak stomach.) So, I had to take off another day of work.
I was able to spend the WHOLE day at home ALONE! Can you believe it? I just slept the day away. It was bliss.

The calendar on my cell phone has something on it everyday. Steven and I barely have enough time to communicate with each other about what's coming up.
I found an AMAZING app called Cozi that helps sync our calendars. (You really should check it out!)

Keaton had his first field trip, and I wasn't able to go because I'm watching my days at work.
Steven was able to go, and Keaton had a great time with his daddy!

Titus had surgery and started throwing up blood the second we walked out of the surgery center.
The nurse said since the blood was dark, we had nothing to worry about. It was just dried blood that had settled and upset his stomach. 

Titus continued throwing up blood on the way home in morning work traffic, and Keaton was freaking out in the car. We were both doing all we could to calm Titus down and clean him up. Keaton just had to wait until the episode was over before we could explain what was going on.
Steven didn't wreck the car in all the mess, and my parents were able to meet us to get Keaton so we could focus on Titus and Keaton wouldn't be upset.

I'm the color guard coach at school. We've had practice twice a week after school and competitions almost every Saturday.
Our final competition was at the beginning of April, and the girls did an amazing job!

Finances...enough said
Steven and I both have jobs, a place to live, and food for our children.

Church stuff non-stop.
I was called to be a pastor's wife. God chose me to encourage the man he wanted to shepherd his flock. I am able to see first-hand God at work in the lives of those in our congregation and in our church as a whole.

I know this was a rather long post, but I hope that some of the blessings I've pointed out help you to see yours in the midst of your stressings.


  1. I am so glad that you found a blessing through every stressful event. I needed to be reminded that there are blessings even in the most stressful situations. Love you!

  2. You are an amazing person and you wear all of your hats well. You and your family have been a blessing in my life and I love you all. Thanks for taking the time to blog, it helps you and everyone who reads it. Love you!
